Instrumental Music
- Guitar I - 70487
- Piano I - 70485
- SaberStrings (Orchestra) - 70460
- Symphonic Band - 70325
- Jazz Ensemble II (Introductory) - 70385
- Music Theory - 70660
- Guitar II - 70488
- Piano II - 70486
- Chamber Orchestra - 70461
- Wind Ensemble - 70300
- Jazz Ensemble I (Advanced) - 70375
- Music Composition/MIDI - 70680
- Marching Band - 70410
- ACC-MUS 1020 Music Appreciation - 69051
- Percussion Tech - 70400
- Color Guard Techniques - 70435
Guitar I - 70487
Materials Needed: Acoustic (not electric) guitar and several guitar picks. Guitar I students will learn basic guitar skills and methods. At the end of the term, students will be able to play songs in at least 6 different keys, read chord charts, identify the parts of the guitar, play various strum patterns, read and play chord progressions, play simple melodies, play in a guitar ensemble, and will have a basic knowledge of music theory. Instrument Rental ($50.00 optional).
- Credit: 0.5
- Level: 9-12
- Prerequisite: None
- Fees: TBD Workbook; $12 Jerry Snyder Book 1
Meets Requirements in FINE ARTS. May be taken only once for credit.
Required in the following Pathway(s): MUSIC
Piano I - 70485
This course is an introduction to beginning piano with focus on basic piano skills including reading music, piano technique and an introduction to one and two hand music repertoire.
- Credit: 0.5
- Level: 9-12
- Prerequisite: None
- Fees: None
Meets Requirements in FINE ARTS. May be taken only once for credit.
Required in the following Pathway(s): MUSIC
SaberStrings (Orchestra) - 70460
Orchestra is for Violin, Viola, Cello, String Bass, and Harp musicians, experienced and non-experienced (beginners welcome) who wish to study and perform in the area of Orchestral music (piano and guitar players, with at least 2 years' experience - limited positions available. Please see the director before signing up). Students will study proper techniques for quality sound production on their instrument as well as music from major style periods. Select string instruments are available for rent. Students will perform in several required concerts per year. Out-of-school performances will be required. Participation in all performances is required.
- Credit: 1.0
- Level: 9-12
- Prerequisite: None
- Fees: $70 Dress; $110 Tuxedo, Instruments are available for a rental fee ($100 per year). Suggested supplementary materials, uniform fee and trip fees are required.
Meets Requirements in FINE ARTS. May be taken more than once for credit.
Required in the following Pathway(s): MUSIC
Symphonic Band - 70325
This ensemble is designed to develop musical skills through traditional band instruments for higher-level instrumentalists. Emphasis will be on continued technical and musical development on an instrument through a variety of quality band literature. In addition, you may be required to participate in pep band performances during football and basketball. Some wind instruments are available to rent from the school. Out-of-school performances will be required and are part of the course grade. Participation in all performances is required.
- Credit: 1.0
- Level: 9-12
- Prerequisite: Previous Band Experience or Teacher Approval
- Fees: $60 Dress; $175 Tuxedo. Instrument Rental ($50.00 optional), percussion equipment fees and trip fees may apply.
Meets Requirements in FINE ARTS. May be taken more than once for credit.
Required in the following Pathway(s): MUSIC
Jazz Ensemble II (Introductory) - 70385
This is an introductory level jazz experience for instrumentalists. This ensemble contains a traditional jazz instrumentation (5 saxes, 5 trombones, 5 trumpets, piano, guitar, bass and drums). Emphasis is on developing the skills to grow into Jazz I. Members of this ensemble must also register for one of the following bands: Percussion Tech, Wind Ensemble or Symphonic Band. Exceptions are made for piano, guitar and bass players or at the director's discretion. This is an introductory level jazz experience for instrumentalists. Participation in all performances is required.
- Credit: 1.0
- Level: 9-12
- Prerequisite: Teacher Approval
- Fees: Instrument Rental (optional), suggested supplementary materials, percussion fee, uniform fee and trip fees.
Meets Requirements in FINE ARTS. May be taken more than once for credit.
Required in the following Pathway(s): MUSIC
Music Theory - 70660
This course focuses on theoretical aspects of music including: ear training, scales, rhythm, and harmonic notation. This class is suited for those students with some musical background and serves as a good introduction to college level music theory. If a student is considering a major or minor in music in college, this is an excellent course.
- Credit: 0.5
- Level: 10-12
- Prerequisite: None
- Fees: Workbook
Meets Requirements in FINE ARTS. May be taken only once for credit.
Required in the following Pathway(s): MUSIC
Guitar II - 70488
Guitar II students will learn intermediate and advanced guitar skills and methods. At the end of the term, students will be able to play melodies in multiple positions, play barre chords, use and read tablature, understand transposition, play power chords, play arpeggios, play several scales, play in upper position and play in guitar ensembles. Although electric guitars will not be used, many of the skills learned are easily transferable to electric guitar styles. In addition, students will gain a better understanding of music theory and compositional elements. Instrument Rental ($50.00 optional).
- Credit: 0.5
- Level: 10-12
- Prerequisite: Guitar I or Teacher Approval
- Fees: TBD Workbook; $12 Jerry Snyder Book 2
Meets Requirements in FINE ARTS. May be taken more than once for credit.
Required in the following Pathway(s): MUSIC
Piano II - 70486
This course is a continuation on the skills built in Piano I. The focus is on improving and expanding two hand repertoire, as well as chordal accompaniment. Students will also be applying their piano skills to basic music.
- Credit: 0.5
- Level: 9-12
- Prerequisite: Piano I or Teacher Approval
- Fees: None
Meets Requirements in FINE ARTS. May be taken more than once for credit.
Required in the following Pathway(s): MUSIC
Chamber Orchestra - 70461
Chamber Orchestra is for the highest-level instrumentalists and is designed to develop upper level musical skills through the most classic and challenging orchestral literature. Emphasis will be on continued technical and musical development on Violin, Viola, Cello, String Bass and Harp (Piano players with at least 5 years of experience - limited positions and by audition only). Students will perform in several required concerts per year. Out-of-school performances will be required. Instruments are available for a rental fee ($100 per year). Participation in all performances is required. Suggested supplementary materials, uniform fee and trip fees are required.
- Credit: 1.0
- Level: 10-12
- Prerequisite: By Audition Only
- Fees: $70 Dress; $110 Tuxedo
Meets Requirements in FINE ARTS. May be taken more than once for credit.
Required in the following Pathway(s): MUSIC
Wind Ensemble - 70300
This ensemble is designed to develop musical skills through traditional band instruments for the highest-level instrumentalists. Emphasis will be on exposure to the most classic and challenging of wind band literature. Students will be required to participate in pep band performances during football and basketball. Some wind instruments are available to rent from the school. Out-of-school performances will be required and are part of the course grade. The wind ensemble is dedicated to the study and performance of advanced wind ensemble literature. Participation in all performances is required. Members of Wind Ensemble are required to enroll in the Marching Band class as well.
- Credit: 1.0
- Level: 10-12
- Prerequisite: Audition
- Fees: $60 Dress; $175 Tuxedo. Instrument Rental ($50.00 optional), percussion equipment fees and trip fees may apply.
Meets Requirements in FINE ARTS. May be taken more than once for credit.
Required in the following Pathway(s): MUSIC
Jazz Ensemble I (Advanced) - 70375
This is the most advanced jazz ensemble at CVHS. This ensemble contains a traditional jazz big-band instrumentation (5 saxes, 5 trombones, 5 trumpets, piano, guitar, bass and drums). Emphasis is on performance of high quality jazz literature, and developing skill in jazz improvisation. Members of this ensemble must also register for one of the following bands: Percussion Tech, Wind Ensemble, or Symphonic Band. Exceptions are made for piano, guitar and bass players or at the director's discretion. You must be able to read music for your instrument to participate in this group. Participation in all performances is required.
- Credit: 1.0
- Level: 9-12
- Prerequisite: Audition or Teacher Approval
- Fees: Instrument Rental (optional), suggested supplementary materials, percussion fee, uniform fee and trip fees.
Meets Requirements in FINE ARTS. May be taken more than once for credit.
Required in the following Pathway(s): MUSIC
Music Composition/MIDI - 70680
This course teaches basic music composition and orchestration in an electronic environment. Students will be using computer notation software to compose and notate music. This course is an extension of Music Theory (70660), and requires successful completion with a grade of C or better. Student compositions may be selected for performance by live musicians at a school concert. This is an excellent opportunity for aspiring composers. A strong grasp of musical notation and music theory is absolutely vital before enrolling in this class.
- Credit: 0.5
- Level: 11-12
- Prerequisite: Music Theory with a "C" or better
- Fees: $35
Meets Requirements in FINE ARTS. May be taken only once for credit.
Required in the following Pathway(s): MUSIC
Marching Band - 70410
Members of this ensemble must also register for one of the following bands: Percussion Tech, Wind Ensemble, or Symphonic Band. Students will develop technique in movement and sound production to create a field ensemble that will perform in local and state competitions and at all home football games. Students and staff will work together to develop and perform challenging and relevant musical repertoire while learning proper performance etiquette. This class will require after school and weekend rehearsal time. Participation in all performances is required.
- Credit: 0.5
- Level: 9-12
- Prerequisite: None
- Fees: $100, $15 Uniform Cleaning Fee, Instrument Rental ($50.00 optional) and trip fees.
Meets Requirements in FINE ARTS. May be taken more than once for credit.
Required in the following Pathway(s): MUSIC
ACC-MUS 1020 Music Appreciation - 69051
Introduces the study of music focusing on intelligent listening skills, the elements of music and their relationships, the musical characteristics of representative works and composers, common musical forms and genres of various Western, and non-Western historical style periods. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH1 category. Note: This course was previously listed as MUS 120.
- Credit: 0.5 CVHS & 3.0 ACC
- Level: 11-12
- Prerequisite: Any Level I Music Course
- Fees: Textbook
Meets Requirements in FINE ARTS. May be taken only once for credit.
Required in the following Pathway(s): MUSIC
Percussion Tech - 70400
This class is designed to teach percussionists a full range of percussion techniques from simple snare drum to mallet keyboard studies. The class will focus on specific techniques in playing all percussion instruments and perform a variety of percussion ensemble literature. Performance opportunities include 2-3 scheduled percussion ensemble concert performances. Any percussionists wishing to continue their skill development should sign up for this class. Participation in all performances is required.
- Credit: 1.0
- Level: 9-12
- Prerequisite: None
- Fees: None
Meets Requirements in FINE ARTS. May be taken more than once for credit.
Required in the following Pathway(s): MUSIC
Color Guard Techniques - 70435
This course is designed to introduce and develop knowledge, skill and performance ability in dance and auxiliary equipment techniques. Techniques can and will include the manipulation of flags, rifles, sabers and other visual devices. This class will require after school and weekend rehearsal time. During the first nine to ten-weeks, you will participate in shows, contests and football games with the Castle View Marching Band. All Guard members are required to participate during scheduled rehearsals and performances beyond the normal school day. You may pre-register for this course, but before being enrolled, you must audition and be approved by the Band Director and/or instructor of this course. Members will also need to enroll in the Marching Band course. All fees will be applicable. Participation in all performances is required. Costume and shoe fees (vary) and trip fees.
- Credit: 0.5
- Level: 9-12
- Prerequisite: Audition or Teacher Approval
- Fees: $100 Marching Band Fee
Meets Requirements in FINE ARTS. May be taken more than once for credit.
Required in the following Pathway(s): MUSIC