High School Definitions

ADVANCED PLACEMENT The Advanced Placement program is a national academic program sponsored bythe College Board. Students are strongly encouraged to take the national examination to be considered for Advanced Placement credit at the college level. All Advanced Placement courses have weighted grades.

CREDIT (High school unit of credit) A measure of credit earned in a course. One unit of credit equals one successfully completed semester of work. 0.5 credit equals one term of successfully completed work for college requirements. In the CVHS schedule, a term's worth of work can be completed in 9 weeks and a year's worth of course work can be completed in a semester.

GPA A student's numeric average grade.

CUMULATIVE GPA Grade Point Average of all grades attained in high school.

GRADES, UNWEIGHTED Courses which award the student 4 points for an A, 3 points for a B, 2 points for a C, 1 point for a D and 0 points for an F.

GRADES, WEIGHTED Courses which award 5 points for an A, 4 points for a B, 3 points for a C, 1 point for a D, and 0 points for an F. At this time, the following courses have weighted grades: All Advanced Placement classes, and ACC Calculus III. (WITH PRINCIPAL APPROVAL).

PREREQUISITE A course which must be successfully completed before taking another course.