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Castle View High School

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Community Service - Graduation Requirement

Community Service Forms are available in the counseling office or here.

BEFORE you complete your community service hours, please make sure your hard work will count toward the district graduation requirements.

  • Here is the approved list of community service options. These are the locations that count for hours. If you complete hours at an organization that is not on the list, they may not count. Check in with Elizabeth Isaak to verify BEFORE you complete your hours.
  • Here are the guidelines for requirements. The highlights include:
    • You must have at least 2 hours on each form to be able to include them (you can't just turn in 1 hour).
    • Hours must be completed during high school years (not middle school).
    • Even if you are 18 years old, parents need to approve and sign off on hours.
  • Here is the list of hours that WILL NOT count toward your graduation requirement. The highlights include:
    • Only 5 hours through CVHS (clubs, sports, etc.) or 20% overall (for example: if you turn in 100 total hours, 20 hours can be through CVHS)
    • Any service for a for-profit organization. Even if students do not get paid, the organization is profiting (babysitting, filing, working an event for a business and not a charity, helping a neighbor, mowing someone's lawn, etc.)
    • Activities completed during school hours without prior approval from Mandy Malson. Students can use their off hours.
    • Any activity that results in a badge or letter for yourself (Boy scouts or girl scouts, or athletics and activities).  If you help someone else with their project, you may be able to use those hours.


Through community service, students are given opportunities to become responsible citizens by helping others while learning selflessness and fostering personal growth. Every student attending a Douglas County School is required to fulfill a 20-hour community service requirement outside of their home and family environment in order to graduate. To be counted toward the graduation requirement, this service must commence after the successful completion of eighth grade. All hours must be documented on a DCSD Community Service Form along with the Student Reflection to be processed. Any activity that meets the DCSD Guidelines will be accepted.