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Castle View High School

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Parking Information

***Permit Application***

Student parking is located to the back and athletic lots on the east and south sides of the building, and the lot by the baseball field.

Students may park in the WHITE painted stalls. YELLOW painted stalls are for STAFF ONLY.

Juniors and Seniors have the opportunity to purchase a permit at this time. To accommodate as many drivers as possible, and to alleviate neighborhood congestion, students CANNOT purchase a permit unless they have obtained their driver’s license. Sophomore students are not able to apply for a parking pass until the start of the spring semester and will only be issued if there is availability. 

Parking Permit Purchase Process:

  • Beginning July 22nd, students must complete all student parking applications and contracts.
  • Students must provide the student’s driver’s license number, insurance information, license plate number, and make/model/year/color of the vehicle(s) the student will drive to CVHS on the contract. (Note- we ask all families to provide information on a minimum of two vehicles the student may drive to school to assist in reducing incorrect tickets.)
  • Permits will not be distributed until the payment has been received. Families pay all parking fines/fees in MySchoolBucks.
  • Students with any fines or fees, including from the current school year, ARE NOT eligible to purchase a permit, until all fees have been paid.
  • The cost of a permit is $50. If purchased in the second semester, the cost is $25.
  • Families may arrange payment plans through the Bookkeeper on a case-by-case basis, with the approval of Mr. Ross, Dean of Students.

Purchase/Distribution of Parking Permits:

  • Students who have been approved through the application process and have paid for their permit on MySchool Bucks may pick up their Parking Permit on August 6 at In Person Check In.
  • Applications take at least 24 hours to process.
  • Students must present a valid driver’s license and proof of insurance in order to receive their permit.
  • Any failure to complete or provide any of the items listed above will delay the permit process.
  • Families may direct any questions related to this process to Zac Ross, Dean of Students.

**Sophomores will not be allowed to purchase a parking pass until the start of the spring semester. Once students have their license, they can complete the application process.

Distribution Schedule Information:

  • JUNIORS AND SENIORS – Beginning August 6th until permits are sold out.
  • We will continue to sell permits until we have sold all 750. After we have sold out, we will begin a wait list for any Junior or Senior that would like to purchase one. As permits become available throughout the year, we will notify those students.
  • Sophomores- Passes will be distributed to eligible students during the spring semester on a first come first serve basis and only if passes are available. 

 Please note that Castle View has 589 spaces designated for students. The school issues approximately 750 permits annually in an attempt to accommodate as many students as possible while balancing available space. While the parking lot may appear to have open spaces at times because of off-periods and absences, students often encounter a full lot, which encourages them to park illegally on end-caps or in the surrounding neighborhoods. This causes safety concerns for our student drivers and community in addition to blocking access to our fire lanes. As a result, we are intentional about the number of permits we issue. A parking permit allows access for students to use our campus parking lot, but it does not guarantee a parking space.
We appreciate your support and understanding during this process. By the end of the school year, CV will have approximately 1,500 students of driving age and, unfortunately, we cannot accommodate that number. We continue to evaluate the number of available spaces during each class period throughout the year and will offer more spaces if we are able. Please feel free to contact us with any questions.